Headache-Inducing Request and Report

「Well then, Sylvester-sama, I will be returning to the dormitory.」

「Yeah, tell me when Ferdinand gets back.」

Justus had teleported from the Royal Academy dormitory early in the morning for this report, after which I hurriedly departed the meeting room for the archduke’s office. Florencia and Charlotte also left quickly with their entourages. The unscheduled meeting had pushed back my original schedule, not to mention all the events that would require my presence at the Royal Academy happening on a daily basis from now onward. It’s not only the archducal family that is busy, but also their entourages.

Upon my arrival at the archduke’s office, a scholar piled up a stack of reports in front of me.

「The knight order sendoff ceremony will be at the third bell, so please go over these before then.」

Today we have the sendoff ceremony for the knights of Haldenzell and Kirnberger. We will be sending them off with words of thanks for their cooperation during the defense of Ehrenfest and for helping interrogate the prisoners of war.

「Is it permissible for Florencia-sama to be absent from the sendoff ceremony? I would prefer her to prioritize preparing for the meeting with the royal family…」

「No problem. My presence as archduke is necessary to placate the Giebes, and the same goes for Wilfried who fought alongside the Kirnberger knights, but the archducal family does not have to be present as a whole. Allow her to focus on other issues.」

While answering the scholar’s questions, I read through the reports from the knight order.

As we were moving toward the sendoff ceremony at the third bell, a scholar presented a wooden plaque saying that we had received a message from the Royal Academy. It informed me of Rozemyne’s return and how Ferdinand wished to have lunch and talk upon his return. I gave my consent and ordered the attendants to transfer the cooks or already prepared food from the castle to the Royal Academy.

「The cooks and ingredients for Rozemyne-sama’s group have already been brought in at Rihyarda’s request. Asking them to handle a few more people will be sufficient.」

After the sendoff ceremony, I headed to the teleportation room on my way to have lunch with Ferdinand. However, I went by myself and a minimal number of retainers. Florencia and Charlotte already stated that they wouldn’t make it. Meanwhile, Rihiarda was furious with me because the cooks and foodstuffs transferred to the Royal Academy dormitory were only supposed to be for Rozemyne and her entourage. Also, Florencia declined to go saying that “Ferdinand-sama will be forced to maintain a formal attitude if I am present”. In other words, the friendly atmosphere between two brothers would supposedly allow me to gain more information out of him and benefit our duchy.

……Ferdinand isn’t going to be that soft, you know.

Personally, my only hope was to see him safe and sound. With a wry smile, I set off for the Royal Academy dormitory.

Norbert, who had apparently made arrangements to visit the dormitory ahead of me, led me to one of the conference rooms instead of the cafeteria. I was very relieved to be in a room with restricted access, since this was to be a confidential discussion.

Ferdinand had already arrived and was writing something at the corner of the large table. Judging from the way he had Eckhart and Justus sending Ordonnanz one after another, it seems he was giving instructions to various places.

「Ferdinand, so it seems the battle is over.」

「But only the battle. Our discussions with the royal family will be the second critical moment.」

Leaving Justus to clean up the paper and ink, Ferdinand moved to the other side of the table, where the attendants readied our meal. Ferdinand’s side was prepared by Lasfam, the attendant of his mansion. I saw Justus during the morning meeting, sending an Ordonnanz containing the message “Please bring the things necessary for our master to rest in the dormitory as soon as possible”, and it seems that he arrived in time.

「I heard you disappeared from the top of the altar, but what happened after that? What’s all this about a goddess descending upon Rozemyne? And what happened to Lanzenave’s king?」

I voiced all my questions during the meal, but Ferdinand simply made an irritated face without answering. He must be concerned about the presence of the guard knights and attendants serving us. There wasn’t much else to be done, so I finished my meal quickly and cleared the room.

「Well? I’ve gotten rid of everyone. Hurry up and tell me everything you are plotting.」

I mimicked Ferdinand’s manner of speaking, and he raised one eyebrow slightly before scoffing.

「Are you certain you want to know all the details? If you remain ignorant, there is no way for Ehrenfest to receive accusations from the royal family.」


I don’t want that, but getting kept in the dark completely is irritating as well. As I continued glaring at Ferdinand, he agreed with telling me the basics of the situation, saying, “You should at least know what will be discussed during our meeting with the royal family.”

「After the divine statues glowed, we were transferred to a place called the Garden of Beginnings, since both Rozemyne and Gervasio have Grutrissheit. Therefore, they were to compete with each other in the speed of supplying mana to the Country Gates, to prove who is more deserving of Yurgenschmidt’s Foundation Magic. I am told that this caused the Country Gates to shine, resulting in inquiries to the royal court from various duchies.」

「Don’t you have it as well…?」

If the gods called all those carrying Grutrissheit, then Ferdinand should have it too. In fact, I heard that those who witnessed the moment of his disappearance had similar suspicions, but Ferdinand raised his eyebrows lightly, calling my question “ridiculous”.

「I believe I was taken with them because I was also on the altar with those two, or perhaps because I was protected by Rozemyne’s wind shield. In truth, everyone else told me I was simply “getting in their way”. If I truly held Grutrissheit, do you think I could come back early like this without taking part in such an important competition?」


It still seems suspicious, but his logic makes sense. Most importantly, Ferdinand may hide things or speak ambiguously, but he does not lie. I can believe his words for the most part. Even if I were to ask Rozemyne the same questions, I have no doubt she was already instructed to answer the same way.

「So after returning early, what reason did you have for visiting the Central Temple?」

「To destroy Gervasio’s medal. Since he was supplying mana to the Country Gate in another duchy, I could eliminate him from Zent candidacy without violating the goddess’s orders.」

Merciless. I truly think that from the bottom of my heart. I doubt any normal person could come up with such a method, nor could they execute it with such ease.

「Are you even allowed to interfere when the goddess ordered the two of them to compete?」

「Likely not if it eliminated everyone who possesses Grutrissheit, but the gods will not be particularly bothered if the number of candidates is reduced to one.」

「What are you saying?! Do you fancy yourself the mouthpiece of the gods or something!? Ehrenfest better not receive divine punishment for this!」

Despite my anxiety and annoyance at his attitude of ignoring my complaints, I was now extremely relieved. Justus told me that “Gervasio, the king of Lanzenave who appeared on the altar, looked just like Ferdinand-sama.”

Since Ferdinand had no relatives on his mother’s side, he never had much exposure to family. Because of that, he was also slightly vulnerable to the appeal of family sentiments. Therefore, I’ve always thought that if someone other than me with strong blood ties appeared in his life, he would prefer that person over me. To tell the truth, I was incredibly surprised to hear he could be so ruthless toward someone whose face was so similar that others could recognize their relation at a glance. Well, at least everything turned out to be fine.

……Because Ferdinand will always be my brother.

「What has already been done is no longer important. Ehrenfest must prepare for the meeting with the royal family. A luncheon will be held in the Ehrenfest’s tea room the day after tomorrow.」

「The day after tomorrow!? That’s way too sudden. Was this date decided without any communication between attendants?」

Inviting nobles to a meal without any communication between attendants is unprecedented, much less royalty. When I snapped at him, Ferdinand lightly tapped the tabletop with his fingertips.

「I have already informed Aub Dunkelfelger and Prince Anastasius of the decision, but would you have preferred a formal dinner instead?」

There is a big difference between a luncheon and a formal dinner in terms of preparation. It seems this luncheon is already the result of Ferdinand’s utmost care.

「I appreciate my talented brother’s consideration, but can’t we have it right before the Archduke Conference? That would be a big help in terms of food and other preparations…」

「No, since the goddess’s power will disappear if we don’t decide the next Zent and hold their inauguration ceremony immediately. If we miss this occasion, when the avatar of the goddess bestowing Grutrissheit is most effective, we allow the other duchies a chance at interfering.」

Ferdinand explained that the goal was to get things set in stone while everyone was still confused, creating a situation in which no one can complain afterwards. Even if someone tries, it will be pointless.

「This is a race against time. The royal family is currently wallowing in confusion, regret, and remorse. Allowing this moment to pass will let them use their authority to seize Rozemyne again. Now is the only time we are capable of denying them, since no one can approach the goddess’s aura. We must end everything before the royal family and the duchies backing them come to their senses.」

It seems he already has the next steps completely mapped out in his mind. I cannot help but be amazed at my too talented, and too independent little brother. If the royal family and other duchies can be restrained from interfering, subsequent rebellions and civil wars become less likely as well. Ferdinand’s plan is the best solution in that sense, but who will be held responsible for the backlash when the nobles realize they have been played?

「Won’t they direct their animosity solely at you, as the one who forced these events through? Is there really no safer way to do this? I feel like you aren’t paying enough attention to your surroundings.」

I cautioned him, remembering how Norbert and the others were so upset by the sudden change of plans and the huge event of inviting the royal family. Ferdinand let out a sigh and lightly tapped his temple with the tip of his finger.

「Unfortunately, I cannot think of any safer way. This is all necessary to make the other duchies accept an underage female Aub at the Archduke Conference. With the achievement of giving Grutrissheit to the new Zent, in addition to taking the Foundation Magic, they have no choice but to recognize Rozemyne as the new Aub despite being a minor.」

Ferdinand’s concern was understandable. A minor like Rozemyne could take the Foundation Magic of another territory so easily. There’s a strong possibility that someone will suggest an adult archducal family member should take Ahrensbach’s Foundation Magic back in the same way, and appoint someone else as Aub. However, the fact remains that the person holding the Foundation Magic is undoubtedly the Aub. Dunkelfelger may be satisfied with this explanation, but many others will argue that she is underage and has no experience in the office.

……Especially those of Ahrensbach, the duchy deprived of its Foundation Magic.

「Isn’t that your role, to prevent those kinds of arguments?」

「If I can stay in the position of fiance, that is.」

「Dietlinde was in the same situation, but she got forced on you since there weren’t any other single male archduke candidates who could hold the office. Rozemyne won’t have anyone else either.」

I’ve heard the royal decree was issued because there was no other husband candidate who could support a greater duchy.

「The goddess has descended upon this girl, who carries Grutrissheit and is capable of appointing a new Zent. Everyone will be making excuses to steal her away. Of course there will be single men who didn’t show up for Dietlinde.」

Dietlinde, who was born and raised in greater duchy, and Rozemyne, who was an adopted daughter in a medium sized duchy and rumored to be discriminated against. The psychological burden of proposing as the husband is very different between the two. Moreover, Ferdinand expects that candidates will come up with excuses, such as how they were underage at the time of Dietlinde’s engagement, or recently divorced, or have more office experience than before, etc.

「They can find any number of complaints about me, I’m sure. Our best choice is to crush them with all our might before they get the chance.」

「Just goes to show us how much everyone underestimates Ehrenfest.」

I feel a little pathetic as Aub, but that’s the reality. We have only just started getting treated as a winning duchy, and although we are now ranked in the upper echelons, our achievements are few. And those few achievements and accomplishments were the brainchild of Rozemyne.

「That’s why it’s important for Ehrenfest to be involved in a way that other duchies can see. Are you dissatisfied?」

「No, I’m just grateful for the thoughtfulness of my sweet brother.」

If the appointment of a new Zent is already in the books, the position we occupy at the beginning will have a great impact on the future. Our duchy’s nobles are going to scream, but Ehrenfest cannot back out of the supporting role right now.

「Also, the inauguration of the new Zent will take place before the Archduke Conference. Unless I have the new Zent certify me as Rozemyne’s official fiance, I will not be able to attend the Archduke Conference and support her.」

「What? So you did all this in order to visit the Archduke Conference with your lovely bride Rozemyne?」

Ferdinand had said the day after the victory celebration that he would “live with Rozemyne rather than return to Ehrenfest”. I gave him a grin intended to tease, but he stared at me with a deep crease between his eyebrows.

「It’s because a year and a half of my work is about to go unrewarded. I cannot afford that possibility.」

「Yeah, yeah. Your year and a half of hard work under royal decree will all go to waste. I’ll let you leave it at that.」

I know that Ferdinand went to Ahrensbach planning to die, so I really hope that this hardship will lead to his happiness in some way. Though my face remained stuck in a smirk, my wish for my brother’s happiness was completely sincere.

「Hoh, if you have enough energy to smile like that, then handling my requests should be a simple matter.」

With a beautiful fake smile on his face, Ferdinand went on and on about the logistical support he needed. My grin instantly vanished, and my face turned incredibly pale.

「Inform me when Rozemyne wakes up. Also, tell those around Rozemyne to act the same way around her. She is rather sharp when it comes to changes in behavior.」

Ferdinand left the conference room after dumping a variety of matters onto Ehrenfest.

「Damn it, Ferdinand! I was only teasing you a little…」

My entourage entered the conference room as Ferdinand left. Among them was Rihyarda. She must want to report on the current situation surrounding Rozemyne.

「Rihyarda, how is Rozemyne? All I heard is that she is back and resting.」

「She looked terrible upon her return, feeling faint and having difficulty walking by herself. She was assigned a rather strong dose of medicine, so I think the burden of this battle must have been quite heavy on her.」

Rihyarda also told me about what happened when Rozemyne came back and how her entourage was doing.

「What about her changes in mana? I heard about the goddess descending, but not much else.」

「There can be no doubt of that. Her mana has been repainted by the power of the goddess, and is emanating light from within.」

Even after hearing the oral reports, I found it hard to imagine Rozemyne’s appearance. What is it like to have light emanating from within? I look forward to seeing it.

「Ferdinand said not to change the way you act with her, but is that working?」

When I told her the advice that came out of my conversation with Ferdinand, Rihyarda made a stern face.

「I can only say that we are trying our best. She is awe-inspiring and difficult to approach, and even more difficult to touch. It seems to affect laynobles more than archnobles.」

If they really feel instinctive awe, then it can’t be helped. They can only do so much.

「Has Rozemyne reported anything about when the goddess descended?」

「No, since she had difficulty even eating food along with the medicine… We will have to wait until after she wakes up before hearing her story. Also, Cornelius reported something to me. Apparently, the goddess’s power is making the namesworn retainers behave strangely.」

My eyes widened upon hearing such a thing for the first time. No such report had come from Ferdinand. He must not have known, since this phenomenon was limited to the retainers who had dedicated their names to Rozemyne.

「What do you mean by strangely? Can you give an example?」

「It seems to make them want to praise and pray to Rozemyne-himesama, similarly to Hartmut.」

I imagined all of Rozemyne’s namesworn retainers praising her like Hartmut, and pondered the situation for a while. While creepy and annoying, it doesn’t seem to have much of a negative impact on anyone else.

「…If they don’t burden Rozemyne, just leave them be.」

「Yes, sir.」

This reminded me of Rozemyne’s concern about what people thought of her after her sudden growth. She would be worried if her entourage suddenly changed their behavior like that.

「By the way, it seems that Ferdinand-sama hasn’t explained the situation even to Rozemyne-himesama. When Leonore asked her about her future plans over dinner, she only looked back with a blank stare.」

「So Ferdinand alone is responsible, while Rozemyne is not even an accomplice?」

……I had a feeling it might be like that.

But even so, Rozemyne was probably the original cause. That’s usually the case when Ferdinand gets this reckless. If it’s like that, Rozemyne can’t complain about getting pushed around by Ferdinand to solve things when she’s the original cause of the problem.

「How was your meeting with Ferdinand-sama?」

「He was still sending Ordonnanz everywhere after our meeting. According to Justus, he will be spending most of his time with the Ahrensbach knights at the villa. I guess they can’t let up on their surveillance yet.」

I explained to Rihyarda that our meeting with the royal family was set for the day after tomorrow, and that Florencia and Charlotte will come to the dormitory in the afternoon. She was angry with Ferdinand for his lack of care for the attendants and skipping of the arrangements, but she understood the important parts: “Time is of the essence” and “our duchy must handle logistical support”.

「Norbert will have his hands full with serving and rearranging the attendants’ work schedules for the day, so I will help you with what I can in the Royal Academy dormitory.」

Shaking her head from side to side, Rihyarda said, “Of course, I will need everyone’s help as well.”

「We can leave the tea room furnishings and menu to Charlotte-himesama, as long as Brunhilde assists with Rozemyne-himesama’s recipes and cooks. Ferdinand-sama has skipped the arrangements and already set the date, so though it pains me to make her do this, we should let Florencia-sama handle the correspondence between attendants. She can ensure the guests don’t find any ingredients or flavors that are unsuited for their tastes.」

My scholar at my side wrote down Rihyarda’s words as she spoke.

「Sylvester-sama, please return to the castle and check the condition of our pantry. Depending on that, we may need to ask Ahrensbach for food supplies. Otherwise, please keep up on your daily duties as a top priority. There is a possibility that more pressing matters may come up from here on out.」

She nailed me with such a fearsome possibility that I had no choice but to agree. Whenever Rozemyne is involved, things always get bigger and urgent matters pop up out of nowhere. I doubt there’s anything more urgent and important than a discussion with the royal family, but we cannot be too careful.

「For the sake of information sharing and to ensure Ferdinand gets a decent meal, I think we will be eating in the dormitory more often until our meeting with the royals. Florencia and Charlotte will also have dinner in the dormitory. Make the necessary arrangements.」

「Yes, sir. Brunhilde and I will take care of things.」

I returned to the castle for the afternoon, and there was a pile of work to be done. Perhaps because of my busyness, I was able to handle the reports regarding Sister in a more clerical way than I expected. That might be the only good coming out of this.

In no time at all, it was time for dinner. I moved again to the dormitory before the sixth bell rang. It seems our food was ready in the conference room. Charlotte and Florencia were already there, and Ferdinand quickly came in after. Rozemyne was the last to enter.

……I see, so this is what they meant by the descent of the goddess. She really is glowing. Looking at Rozemyne now, anyone would be convinced of the goddess’s descent.

We started our meal. Ferdinand began reporting on the situation of Ahrensbach’s men in the villa and back in the duchy, but then he said something outrageous.

「With your permission and feystone, I have just activated the teleportation circle in the villa.」

……What? That should be impossible unless their mana is nearly the same, right?

Once open, the teleportation circle can be used with a permission feystone, but only the Aub is capable of the actual opening and closing. I know because I open and close the circle leading to the Royal Academy daily for the knights standing guard there.

……Huh? So, Ferdinand and Rozemyne’s mana is the same?

It is said that the only way for unrelated people to gain homogeneous mana is to be a married couple who are passionately in love and share a bed for about six months to a year. I’ve heard that it is also possible via inhumane methods such as those used by Sister and Grausam for their Devouring Soldiers, but those aren’t possible for people living normal lives.

……What? Are these two really in that kind of relationship?

I looked over at Ferdinand and Rozemyne with a start. She was busy thanking him with a friendly smile, but please clear up my confusion first.

……Wait, hold on.

It is true that the two said things along the lines of “I will make Ferdinand happy” or “I will live together with Rozemyne,” but such were only verbal declarations without an official engagement. Then what is the meaning of their mana being so close that Ferdinand can open the teleportation room?

……Oi, what’s going on? Am I hearing this wrong?

……Clear it up immediately, Sylvester.

I communicated via eye contact with Karstedt. He was a former archducal family member who studied some of the archduke candidate course lectures at the Royal Academy, and has seen me complaining about the inconvenience of requiring the Aub to open the teleportation room. That’s why he gave me a confused look. The same went for Charlotte and Florencia.

「Ah, ahem. Rozemyne, Ferdinand just said he activated the teleportation circle in the villa.」

Prompted by the stare and small facial movement from Karstedt, I coughed and then fearfully asked for more details. If she answers with “I opened it before coming,” then everything is fine. Well, no, I will have to scold her for preparing the enemy’s escape route before deploying for battle, but it clears my suspicion about their mana being homogeneous.

「I never imagined the goddess would descend and alter my mana, so I am glad Ferdinand-sama was registered.」

……No! That is not the issue!

Rozemyne did not seem to understand our confusion and suspicions in the slightest, so asking her proved pointless. I turned my attention to Ferdinand.

「Ferdinand, is uh, what I think happened going on? Did you skip your greeting to the Supreme Gods, hastening the arrival of winter without waiting for autumn?」

「What are you even talking about?」

It was a natural question for me, her adoptive father, as well as her biological father Karstedt standing behind me, but Ferdinand replied while giving me a cold stare. Rozemyne also looked at me as if what I said was incomprehensible. I wanted to shout out loud that you two were the incomprehensible ones.

「I’m completely lost!」

……Our discussion with the royal family is enough of a headache, so don’t sow the seeds for more troubles!

However, Ferdinand continued eating as if he had no idea what I was talking about. As I glanced at him, I pondered the issue.

……Rozemyne dyed the Foundation Magic less than ten days ago. Does this mean her mana was the same as Ferdinand’s when she stole the Foundation?

Simply impossible. If a passionate couple dyes their mana to practically the same hue, they will naturally return to their original mana if they make no physical contact for a month. Rozemyne and Ferdinand were apart for about a year and a half. Even if they had dyed each other’s mana before separating, their mana could not possibly remain the same for so long.

……No way, did they dye each other within ten days of reuniting?

But there was no time for that, and I didn’t hear any such reports from the entourage. Did something happen during the battle? Or, did they dye each other’s mana at Ahrensbach, where they reportedly hid themselves in a hidden room without coming out? Even if they did, it’s impossible for them to dye each other so thoroughly in such a short period of time.

……Considering the time scale, it doesn’t seem like they could have hastened the coming of winter. Good.

I have absolutely no clue what made their mana so similar, but at least it doesn’t seem to be the usual method. I breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that.

……I’ll always believe in you, Ferdinand.

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