From Zent to Aub

「Trauerqual-sama, please accept this as the new Aub of this land.」

Eglantine-sama had earlier instructed me to retrieve various items from the temples and castles of old Scharfer and old Werkestock, including statues, divine instruments, the high bishop’s scriptures, and numerous important keys for the inheritance ceremony. All to be reused in the new duchy.

I had set out to inspect the land that would become the new duchy and to collect the items with my wives. It’s been over a decade since the purges following the civil war, so we were only able to recover half of the requested items. Nevertheless, Eglantine-sama somehow handed me over the key to the Foundation, as well as the high bishop’s scriptures and key.

「Eglantine-sama, where in the world did you obtain these…?」

「I have received reports that the nobles of Ahrensbach, who managed half of the old Werkestock, were in possession of them. According to Aub Ehrenfest, who peered into the memories of the former Ahrensbach First Lady Georgine, she and her faction frequently experimented with the Foundation of the old Werkestock as an stepping stone to acquire Ehrenfest’s Foundation Magic.」

In addition to Ehrenfest’s report, the cooperation of Ferdinand-sama, who knew much about Ahrensbach’s nobility, apparently allowed them to successfully retrieve the key leading to the Foundation. Upon hearing this explanation, I finally recalled.

「While we closed off the palace as a precaution against enemies, Georgine invaded Ehrenfest, is that right?」

「Yes. I believe they were in a dire situation for five to six days starting with Ferdinand-sama’s poisoning incident, Raublut leading those from Lanzenave into the Royal Academy, Ehrenfest being under attack, and the battle at the Royal Academy.」

Having been preoccupied with the enemies in the Royal Academy targeting Grutrissheit, I didn’t pay much attention to Ehrenfest. Despite that, they were willing to provide us with their utmost support.

「Ehrenfest even gave their all to support Rozemyne-sama during the battle at the Royal Academy, despite all of this…」

Considering the complications of post-war affairs at the Royal Academy and the palace, I could now see the situation Ehrenfest faced. Unlike me, Aub Ehrenfest successfully defended his territory. I had been manipulated via trug, betrayed by my own knight commander, not to mention how my own guard knights broke into my room in the middle of the night. Only now do I understand how Raublut distorted all the information about Ehrenfest entering my ears.

As I almost began wallowing in self-pity, Magdalena suddenly brought her face close to me.

「Trauerqual-sama, may I ask if it’s acceptable to transport the statues delivered via the teleportation circle to the temple?」

「Oh, I don’t mind. Instruct them as you see fit. I intend to head to the Foundation with Eglantine-sama.」

Magdalena sent an Ordonnanz to the teleportation room, and Eglantine-sama asked me if there was anyone left in the old Scharfer castle and temple.

「Once we configure the old Werkestock Foundation for the new duchy, the old Scharfer one will collapse.」

「We already prepared for that outcome once we heard the details. There should be no issue.」

Once we decided to establish the new duchy of Blumefeld, Sigiswald and I were asked whether we preferred to create a new Foundation or reuse the existing one. The Zent is responsible for creating new Foundations, while the Aub’s role is to build temples, castles, and towns.

Unlike Rozemyne-sama, I lack confidence in my mana capacity. I don’t have the capability to perform Entwickeln after filling the Foundation and the land. Therefore, I had Eglantine-sama adjust the settings and reuse the existing Foundation and castle.

「We will now head to the Foundation, which cannot be shown to others. Please have everyone else exit the room.」

Following Eglantine-sama’s instructions, everyone else left the room. As we watched them leave, Eglantine-sama muttered.

「…Honestly, Trauerqual-sama, I didn’t expect you to reuse the Foundation of old Werkestock. Compared to old Scharfer, this land has many individuals hostile to you.」

「Indeed I will have many enemies, but it’s too late to be worrying about that. I haven’t had a time without enemies, ever since the civil war.」

Besides, it’s much easier and less painful to be cautious of those already known to harbor hostility than to have someone I thought was an ally turn their weapons against me. I have already arranged for Magdalena to take charge of my guard knights in times of emergency.

「Considering the imbalance in the land’s mana, pouring mana into the Foundation of old Werkestock would lead to faster regeneration. Also, given the size of the land and the number of nobles, the old Scharfer castle would be too cramped. In light of those two factors, I essentially have no choice in the matter.」

I chose old Werkestock after visiting both lands and castles for the retrieval of the keys and divine instruments. This way is more efficient for recovering the withered land, and it brings me closer to Dunkelfelger, who will aid through Magdalena, now my first wife.

「Honestly, I would love to fill the lands I rule through Entwickeln or a large-scale spell using the goddess’s divine power like Rozemyne-sama. But alas, that is simply not possible.」

I am nothing compared to the avatar of the goddess. My low position in the royal family was supposed to keep me from ever becoming Zent in the first place.

「I hear Sigiswald-sama is planning to install a new Foundation.」

「Indeed. His lands were managed under the Sovereignty’s borders, so they have the mana to do so. There should be little risk of casualties to famine.」

After the political upheaval, Yurgenschmidt was divided into the winning, losing, and fallen duchies. The management of lost duchies varied greatly depending on the administrator. Blue priests and priestesses gathered from various duchies were dispatched to the Sovereignty managed lands. Meanwhile, the lands managed by Ahrensbach were neglected, as their archducal family had so few adults that they could not even satisfy their own duchy.

…I had heard that managing land without access to the Foundation was challenging, but I never imagined it would be in such a dire state…

I have never left the Sovereignty due to the dangers of assassination, so I only knew of Yurgenschmidt’s disparities through reports and numerical data. This was my first time witnessing the difference with my own eyes.

「Perhaps ruling old Werkestock is the punishment bestowed upon me.」

The royal decree I issued to Ferdinand-sama was for him to marry into Ahrensbach and support the administration of the greater duchy. His inclusion of old Werkestock in the land under my rule was undoubtedly a retaliatory gesture, forcing me to realize the unfairness of the royal decree I had imposed on him.

「Ferdinand-sama said that those who invaded Ehrenfest have no right to seek Rozemyne-sama’s mercy. Considering how this is another result of the post-civil war dealings, it’s fairer for you to bear responsibility over them rather than Sigiswald-sama.」

Eglantine-sama spoke calmly but firmly, stating that since old Werkestock had been abandoned after the civil war, it was solely my responsibility to manage it.

「Trauerqual-sama, considering that you have access to the Foundation Magic, you have it much easier compared to those who managed it without help. Please dye this key with your mana. The teleportation circle won’t open without it.」

「…This is the key to the Foundation?」

I tightly grasped the pendant handed to me and infused it with mana. A key emerged from the pendant’s feystone without much delay. Due to the archduke candidate course at the Royal Academy, I knew that Aub’s keys could take various forms, but this was my first time seeing one in person.

「I wonder if Zent’s key for the Foundation of the country is similar.」

「It used to be, but now it has been completely lost. Not during the civil war but during the time of Zent Neigunheit. It’s not your responsibility, Trauerqual-sama.」

Perhaps because so much was lost during the civil war, I instinctively felt responsible for everything. Hearing that it happened much earlier lightened my heart a bit.

「Only those who possess this key can pass through the door of the Foundation, so may I take your hand? I will guide you from here. Beyond this point, there are safeguards to prevent anyone other than the Aub from easily obtaining the Foundation. Follow me. Grutrissheit.」

With Grutrissheit in hand, Eglantine-sama guided me inside while holding my hand. It seemed that the Grutrissheit contained the solution to the intricate mechanisms blocking us from the Foundation, as I easily progressed following her instructions. However, these mechanisms apparently differed for each duchy. No wonder we never managed to find the Foundation of the lost duchies.

「So, this is the Foundation Magic. There’s still a small amount of mana remaining…」

Though I’ve seen models in lectures at the Royal Academy, this is my first time seeing the real thing. Who could have thought that they would remain for over a decade after the civil war without withering away completely.

「Only a small amount of mana remains because the Foundation Magic is absorbing the mana scattered throughout the land, such as with the Small Grails. Otherwise, the castle, the temple, and Foundation itself would have already dissolved into white sand.」

Her words made me contemplate the hardships brought to this land by the royal family’s internal conflicts, and the trouble following it. Losing the Grutrissheit due to the strife among royal siblings had undoubtedly caused much suffering.

I reached out to the Foundation and began infusing it with mana.

「Trauerqual-sama, while you are filling it with mana, could you tell me what discussions took place when you ordered Ferdinand-sama’s marriage?」

「I have promised not to disclose that.」

「Angering Ferdinand-sama will also result in angering Rozemyne-sama. We must avoid incurring their wrath while we have no successor to the seat of Zent. Please tell me what discussions occurred.」

Eglantine-sama observed me closely. Her gaze, reminiscent of her father, somehow made me feel nostalgic. I was raised as the fifth prince in the position farthest from the throne, but it seems I managed to pass it on to someone far more deserving than myself.

「Eglantine-sama, do you know the circumstances of Ferdinand-sama’s engagement?」

「You received a request from the former Archduke Gieselfried and the First Lady Georgine of Ahrensbach for a talented son-in-law. Other nobles from various territories, including Dunkelfelger, requested the liberation of a talented archduke candidate from the temple, hoping for fair evaluation and a platform for his activities. I believe those were the main factors in Ferdinand-sama’s engagement.」

After mentioning the details that anyone attending the Archduke Conference at the time would know, Eglantine-sama added, “I confirmed Raublut’s memories in addition to Gervasio, so I am aware that he advised you to do so as well.”

「I already know of Ferdinand-sama’s background and the meaning of that palace… As well as Georgine’s push for the marriage to eliminate Ferdinand-sama, her contacting Raublut and proposing the trug plan, Raublut using trug on you for the first time just before the Archduke Conference, Raublut himself being subject to trug, Georgine’s plan inciting the arrival of Gervasio… That is what I currently know.」

I never imagined that Raublut’s plan was instigated by Georgine’s scheming. Eglantine-sama must be much more knowledgeable about Raublut and Georgine’s plots than I am.

「If you know all that from the memories of the criminals, isn’t that enough?」

「Georgine’s memories were only reported, so I haven’t seen them myself. Moreover, the memories of the conspirators are not fully connected because they were influenced by trug, leaving many gaps. Besides, there was a time where you excluded Raublut from the discussion with Ferdinand-sama. I want to know what was discussed then.」

I recalled Raublut’s begging. He strongly pleaded for me to place Ferdinand-sama in a position where he couldn’t become Zent.

「Ferdinand-sama is manipulating Rozemyne-sama to search for the Grutrissheit. I am sure of it.」

「…Do you have evidence?」

「If another political upheaval occurs, Yurgenschmidt will be finished. As the knight commander, I cannot allow such a disruptive presence right when things are settling down.」

Two years ago, during the Archduke Conference, I thought it might be possible to manage things even without Grutrissheit. Until the collapse of the royal palace tower, everyone in the palace believed that the peace could continue. That’s why, at that time, it was necessary to peacefully eliminate any presence that could disrupt the peace we had managed to secure after the civil war.

「Trauerqual-sama, I know you share my wish for this continued peace. If Ferdinand-sama doesn’t desire Grutrissheit, then he should be happier marrying into the greater duchy rather than being mistreated by Aub Ehrenfest. Such an invitation would be recognized as having the support of the Zent, making even Aub Ehrenfest hesitant to intervene. This fulfills the requests from Ahrensbach, Dunkelfelger, and other duchies, resulting in the best outcome for Ferdinand-sama himself as well.」

I nodded at the whispers accompanied by a sweet fragrance. It seemed like a good choice for everyone to have Ferdinand-sama marry into Ahrensbach.

However, Ferdinand-sama simply declined the proposal.

「I decline any offer to be married into another duchy, not just Ahrensbach.」

Some of my retainers remarked, “That’s disrespectful,” and suggested, “Perhaps he harbors rebellious intentions.” Thus, I dismissed them and explained the current situation, highlighting the benefits of his marriage.

「…As Zent, shouldn’t you be aware? I was taken in by Ehrenfest under the guidance of the Goddess of Time.」

「The guidance of the Goddess of Time? Is that a metaphor for something? If the goddess truly exists, I wish she would send someone to protect Yurgenschmidt, which is tilting toward destruction at this very moment…」

Ferdinand-sama said something utterly absurd, so I couldn’t help but furrow my brows. The phrases “Is that a joke?” and “You really can’t come up with an excuse?” almost came to my lips, but I held them back. Ferdinand-sama wore a cold gaze that seemed to show his complete lack of trust in me.

「I promised Father… the previous archduke, that I would conceal the fact that I am from the Adalgisa Villa, assist Sylvester in his Aub duties, and protect Ehrenfest. This is the role imposed upon me. I have never thought of usurping or rebelling, nor have I desired to attain the position of Zent.」

「…How do you intend to prove that you aren’t thinking of usurpation or rebellion? You don’t expect me to trust the “Guidance of the Goddess of Time”, do you?」

In response to my words, Ferdinand-sama raised an eyebrow lightly.

「I don’t claim to be informed of everything, but as Zent, shouldn’t you be able to investigate that easily?」


「There should be records about the exchange between the previous Zent and the previous archduke regarding the guidance of the Goddess of Time.」

Upon hearing about the supposed records in the royal palace archives, I pondered for a moment. When Raublut suggested that Ferdinand-sama might be from Adalgisa, I had indeed checked the records once. The records related to the villa in the palace’s data room were all about the branch royalty of the villa. Among them, I remembered a description stating that a male child had been moved to Ehrenfest, and nothing more.

Considering the possibility of oversight, I temporarily withdrew and ordered the scholars to search for the records of the villa from about twenty years ago. However, the records were still nowhere to be found.

I set aside the “Guidance of the Goddess of Time” as some sort of metaphor and called for Ferdinand-sama again. I gave him the choice to either assume the position of Aub Ehrenfest or marry into Ahrensbach through royal decree, as proof that he wasn’t considering rebellion.

「…That single line on a document was his so-called “record”. A bit of an exaggeration, wouldn’t you agree?」

After recounting my past conversation with Ferdinand-sama, I sought agreement from Eglantine-sama.

「I might have thought the same way had I not witnessed the Goddess descending on Rozemyne-sama. However, after seeing the divine intervene in Yurgenschmidt’s affairs, I believe it is premature to dismiss his words as a metaphor. The same words were used to cancel Raublut’s engagement.」

「Raublut knew something about the guidance of the Goddess of Time? We searched the archives together, but he spoke not a single word of that to me…」

「Raublut himself was simply given those words, so he searched quite a bit for any records that could shed light on what happened. He even requested a meeting with the presiding Zent…」

At that point, Eglantine-sama looked at me with a slight widening of her eyes, as if something had dawned on her, and then she looked down with a hint of resignation. I knew those eyes and gestures well, as they often came from those who found themselves disappointed by me.

「Trauerqual-sama, each duchy has archives accessible only to the Aub. Similarly, the royal palace has archives that only royalty can enter, as well as archives only accessible to a Zent who possesses Grutrissheit. Any important contracts related to the gods, if they exist, are probably housed there.」

The archives that only royalty can enter were newly created after the civil war to store important documents. As such, we have no access to the crucial documents from earlier. As someone without Grutrissheit, I had no means to verify the records Ferdinand-sama mentioned. Unlike Eglantine-sama, who grew up in the Klassenberg castle as part of the archducal family, I hadn’t even considered the existence of archives accessible only to the Aub.

…It was indeed a mistake for someone like me to become Zent. I had no Grutrissheit, nor did I have the education fit for a king.

That conviction only grew stronger within me. I only had two options: kill my half-brother, or die by his hands. As such, I did what I could to ensure the survival of me and my family. Despite being a false king without Grutrissheit, there was no one else capable of taking the throne. The greater duchies elevated me to this position, regardless of my wishes.

「I still believe that Ferdinand-sama is much more suited for Zent than I am. That feeling only grows if he truly has the guidance of the Goddess of Time…」

「Considering his thorough preparations and abilities, I agree that he is suitable from a political standpoint. However, the original role of Zent is to be a mediator between gods and humans. It’s hard to say Ferdinand-sama is suitable for Zent when you take into account his relationship with Erwaermen-sama and the Goddess of Wisdom.」

Eglantine-sama smiled wryly as she denied my statement that Ferdinand-sama was fit to become Zent, then continued.

「It seems best to keep quiet about this “Guidance of the Goddess of Time” in the future. I’m terrified at the thought that Yurgenschmidt might face some kind of retaliation due to Ferdinand-sama’s actions.」

…Did something happen between him and the gods?

Since walking up the altar during the inheritance ceremony and witnessing the descent of the goddess, Eglantine-sama’s atmosphere had clearly changed. She reported on what happened, but not everything. While I was curious as to what exactly took place, I felt that it wasn’t a territory I should step into, having rejected the title of Zent.

「Oh my, quite a bit of mana has accumulated. Impressive, Trauerqual-sama.」

Changing the subject, Eglantine-sama peered into the Foundation and raised her voice cheerfully. I also gazed at the Foundation in front of me, furrowing my brows. Not much time had passed, and I hadn’t used any recovery potions yet. Still, the spherical Foundation had reached about a quarter full of mana.

「There’s no way it should fill with mana this quickly. Is there some kind of flaw in this Foundation?」

「Perhaps your mana wasn’t sufficient to fulfill the role of royalty without Grutrissheit. However, Trauerqual-sama, I believe your mana levels are on the higher side when compared to other Aubs.」

Upon hearing the unexpected words, I reflexively turned to face Eglantine-sama. I had always been told that my mana was insufficient. No one had ever said that to me.

「Why the surprised expression? Is it really that shocking? Consider the proportion of the new duchy’s land when compared to all of Yurgenschmidt.」

Although the new duchy was about the size of a greater duchy, it was still only about a tenth the size of Yurgenschmidt. Reflecting on it, I swallowed hard.

「You mean… compared to before, one-tenth of the mana poured into the land would be sufficient? Even though this duchy’s mana is practically depleted? Are you sure?」

The royal palace tower collapsed despite our greatest efforts at supplying mana. I had always felt we were never able to fully meet the needs of Yurgenschmidt, no matter how much we supplied. That’s why I couldn’t bring myself to trust in my mana.

「It’s not just about the area. Since you can directly pour mana into the Foundation Magic, there are no losses occurring in the process of passing through multiple magic circles from the royal palace’s Replenishment Room to the Foundation of the country. You also prayed earnestly and performed the ritual to gain additional divine protections, which is a significant reduction in mana consumption.」

The royal palace’s Replenishment Room never told us how much mana was needed. I only now realized the true difficulty of filling a tank with no bottom in sight.

Now, the results of my efforts were visible as mana rippling within the Foundation. The size of the Foundation gave me an estimate of my goal. My current joy was probably something the other Aubs wouldn’t understand.

My hands touching the Foundation began trembling slightly.

I found myself gulping, feeling the urge to voice the joy that had sprung with me.

I had thought that no matter how hard I worked, there would be no reward. However, my past actions were now bearing fruit.

「The mana rippling here should steadily flow into the land, so it will take some time to fully fill the Foundation. Nevertheless, you have Magdalena-sama, Klemendia-sama, and Ralfrieda-sama. All of you earnestly supplying mana will adequately meet the needs of the duchy.」

With the joy of my achievements being visible and being rewarded for my efforts, I felt a sense of purpose in pouring mana for the first time ever. My hard work would be enough to fill the duchy. We would never have to bear that futile feeling again, when the ivory buildings collapsed despite our repeated efforts.

The Foundation in front of me appeared so precious and dear.

「Zent Eglantine. I believe I can serve as an Aub of this new duchy, with joy rather than guilt.」

Staring at the mana within the gently swaying sphere, I slowly caressed the Foundation.

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