Tea Party with the Music Teachers

「Rosina, would you mind giving me advice on my composition? I still need to finish my music assignment since my family doesn’t have a musician I can consult.」

「Of course, please show it to me.」

Though I am Rozemyne-sama’s personal musician, the Aub’s request currently has me serving the entire Ehrenfest dormitory. Similar to the children’s room in the castle, my job is to teach music to those students who don’t have personal musicians at home, or whose musicians are not as skilled.

It seems certain grades have a composition assignment to be completed during the spring-autumn period, and their personal musician generally does the actual composition work. However, children from households without musicians struggle to complete the task.

「Rosina, can you give me some of your time?」

I was called by Rozemyne-sama after she entered the multipurpose hall, so I left my instrument behind and headed over.

「I have been invited to a tea party by the music teachers. Rosina, you will accompany me, so please keep your schedule open.」


In addition to teaching students, performing music during tea parties is also the job of musicians, so I have no objection to Rozemyne-sama’s request. However, I was slightly surprised at the timing since the Royal Academy has only just begun.

「This seems to be quite the early tea party. I heard that the latter half of the winter-only Royal Academy is the social period after everyone has completed a certain amount of lectures…」

「The tea party we were invited to is indeed special. The music teachers want to experience music from Ehrenfest.」

Rather than Rozemyne-sama, her attendant apprentice Brunhilde-sama explained the background for the tea party with the music teachers. It is apparently a very important event that serves as a stepping stone for Ehrenfest to gain attention in the Sovereignty.

「Rosina, you will be playing songs from the scores being sold in Ehrenfest. Since composition is often done by personal musicians, much of their attention will be focused on you.」

……To think I would be the center of attention at a tea party.

Since becoming Rozemyne-sama’s personal musician, I have performed at noblewomen’s tea parties on several occasions. Tea parties are events for chatting and exchanging information, so unless something extraordinary happens, musicians tend not to stand out.

The last time my performance garnered attention at a tea party was after the harspiel concert, when Elvira-sama asked me to play the piece Ferdinand-sama performed at her tea party.

「I expect a stunning performance that will give the music teachers a big surprise.」

Brunhilde-sama seemed excited, but I only gulped nervously.

「…Will they be satisfied with my performance?」

「Don’t worry. My Rosina is amazing.」

Rozemyne-sama said that with a smile, but her words did little to alleviate my anxiety. Just like her, this is my first time at the Royal Academy. While I am confident my musical skills are among Ehrenfest’s best, I have no clue if the same applies to the nobles in charge of teaching music to everyone in the Royal Academy.

The day of the tea party with the music teachers arrived.

I wasn’t the only one nervous. The first-year scholar apprentice clutching her stationery, as well as the attendant apprentices conversing with her, everyone showed varying degrees of uneasiness. Because of that, my own expression became a little strained, and my fingertips started trembling.

……The unveiling of the new piece at the library tea party was a success, but…

For better or worse, Solange-sensei seemed more impressed by the fact that my song was dedicated to the Goddess of Wisdom rather than my performance. Her reaction implied that it didn’t matter if the music itself was a bit clumsy. As such, I couldn’t be confident in my ability to satisfy the music teachers.

……I can’t afford to fail this.

As a personal musician serving an archduke candidate, I must demonstrate the skills befitting my position. Being a former gray priestess makes me vulnerable and replaceable. No matter how much Rozemyne-sama may favor me, the nobles surrounding her will undoubtedly seek to eliminate anyone they consider unfit for the archduke’s adopted daughter. There are those who would rather have a noble musician serving the archducal family, as well as commoners who have their eyes on the preferential treatment accompanying the role of Rozemyne-sama’s personal musician.

「Rozemyne-sama, here is the music teachers’ room.」

We climbed to the third floor of the attendant building, but there were knights with black capes standing at the door.

「Those men are the Central Knights, right? Are they doing their rounds at the Royal Academy? I’ve only seen them in the auditorium during social gatherings…」

Upon Rozemyne-sama’s words, her attendant apprentices exchanged glances while commenting that they have never seen them in the attendant building. They continued to announce Rozemyne-sama’s arrival to the occupants of the room.

「Prince Anastasius…」

Beyond the open door, the second prince was seated as one of the tea party’s guests. The musical teachers explained his sudden attendance and sought Rozemyne-sama’s permission for his inclusion. There was no way she could refuse.

……A member of the royal family showing up is far too unexpected!

The royal family must have grown up listening to the finest musicians, so I have no clue if my performance will be adequate. I regret not checking on the performances of the Sovereignty musicians in advance, especially before attending a tea party where royalty is present.

……Am I going to become a burden to Rozemyne-sama?

I have heard the second prince holds an unfavorable impression of Rozemyne-sama due to the incident during the dedication dance practice. The gaze he directs at Rozemyne-sama is by no means benevolent. He will likely scrutinize my performance excessively and nitpick any faults, only furthering my anxiety.

「Are you aware of Christine-sama, who graduated three years ago?」

Eglantine-sama, the archduke candidate from Klassenberg, mentioned a name and I felt a strong sense of nostalgia. Christine-sama was my first master, who taught me music and how to conduct myself among the nobility. A friend with whom I could spend time without any reservations in her room within the temple.

「Oh my, she must be incredibly talented if Christine-sama wanted her as a personal musician. Will you play for us right away?」

Prompted by Eglantine-sama, I approach the chair prepared for the musician. Hearing the familiar name gave me some relief as the tension in my body gradually subsided.

……I grew up alongside Christine-sama. If her performances are being praised, then I will surely be fine too.

When I glance at Rozemyne-sama, I receive a reassuring smile from my mistress. I nod in response.

As I look around the audience, I see curious gazes from the music teachers, a restrained yet favorable gaze from Eglantine-sama, a stern gaze from the second prince, and gazes from Rozemyne-sama’s attendants carrying various messages such as “Don’t embarrass our mistress,” “Do your best,” and “We leave it to you.”

Feeling everyone’s attention on me, I take a slow deep breath and prepare the harspiel.

「Rosina, please start by playing the song dedicated to the God of Fire, Leidenschaft.」

「Understood, Rozemyne-sama.」

……I will show you the best performance I am capable of.

「That was truly wonderful. It’s no wonder Christine-sama had such high expectations.」

Upon receiving sincere compliments from Eglantine-sama and the music teachers, I exhale a sigh of relief and gently stroke my harspiel.

Christine-sama had sought a musician she could speak on equal standing rather than a gray priestess. Rozemyne-sama needed to visit the orphanage for a musician due her background as a commoner. Even upon becoming a noble, she negotiated for her familiar gray priestess retainer instead of throwing me aside. It’s thanks to these two slightly strange mistresses that I am now able to perform the harspiel as a dedicated musician in a place like the Royal Academy, where so many nobles gather. The current me is painfully aware of how fortunate I am to be able to immerse myself completely in music. Everything is a direct result of my life in the orphanage. Looking back, I can now see that my time there was a necessary experience to further my understanding of the world.

「Rosina, everyone is looking forward to it, so please play other songs as well. Next is the song dedicated to the Goddess of Wisdom.」

After receiving Rozemyne-sama’s request, I smile and adjust my posture with the harspiel. The other musicians are staring at me intently. They’ve likely been instructed by their respective masters to memorize my songs.

Rozemyne-sama calls me “amazing,” but she herself is “truly amazing” in how she continues to create new songs one after another.

I begin my performance to teach the other musicians, keeping in mind to avoid disrupting the tea party conversation.

「…These sweets look rather unimpressive.」

Though no one complained about my performance, the second prince expressed negative opinions about Ehrenfest’s sweets and urged Rozemyne-sama to sell Rinsham throughout the tea party. He kept glancing at Eglantine-sama while adjusting his words and actions, so it was very clear where his interest lied. However, I do wish he would stop troubling Rozemyne-sama.

「So be it if you cannot prepare Rinsham. Rozemyne, write a song dedicated to the Goddess of Light by the graduation ceremony. When you are finished, I will buy it from you.」

……When exactly is the graduation ceremony?

Rozemyne-sama sometimes hums new songs in anticipation of visiting the library. The actual composition is simple once she finds her inspiration. I don’t know if my music arrangement will make it in time, but it should be fine if I leave teaching the dormitory students to the other musicians.

I started formulating the schedule in my head while playing my harspiel, while the music teachers attempted to stop the second prince.

「…Teacher, may I borrow that table over there?」

Rozemyne-sama, who seemed a little lost in thought, stood up.

「Philine, please prepare paper and ink. Rosina, write this down.」

It seems she is going to create a song here and now. I know her attendants must have found the second prince’s harsh remarks toward Rozemyne-sama frustrating. They quickly prepared pens and paper, as well as adjusted the location of my chair. In no time, they had set up the same environment as when we compose in the dormitory.

「No need arrange it here, just write down the main melody.」

While comparing the melody Rozemyne-sama sings to my harspiel, I write down each line little by little. Her young voice rang loud and clear, creating a beautiful melody suitable for a song dedicated to the Goddess of Light.

……Truly magnificent.

My heart swells with joy at the birth of a new piece. Rozemyne-sama never hesitates when composing. The main melody always seems to be fully formed in her mind, so she rarely needs to consider the next note. She may not be aware of it herself, but I believe Rozemyne-sama is beloved by the Goddess of Art, Kunstzeal.

「Is this good enough for the main melody? I will arrange the version for the harspiel to be more elaborate, ensuring it is a song befitting the Goddess of Light.」

……Just as I thought, Rozemyne-sama is not ordinary.

Looking over everyone’s astonished faces only confirmed my knowledge of Rozemyne-sama’s exceptional abilities. Despite having so much talent, she lacks passion for music and is unenthusiastic about performing and composing. If only she could devote herself to music as much as she does reading.

My heart as a musician laments this fact, but I am well aware that it is an unattainable dream. As it was in the past, and will be in the future, I doubt Rozemyne-sama will ever find anything inspiring more passion than books.

……Just composing like this is more than enough for me.

Thanks to Rozemyne-sama’s talent for composition, I get to play new songs faster than anyone else.

I smiled at the other musicians staring intensely at the freshly completed sheet of music, before handing it over to the scholar apprentice. I have absolutely no intention of giving this up to anyone else.

……This is my privilege as Rozemyne-sama’s personal musician.

I look forward to returning to the dormitory and arranging the new piece.

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