Staying Behind in the Dormitory

We had finished the measurements and were preparing to return the magical tools to the library. Then, someone reported seeing a person from another duchy lying in wait for us.

「Rozemyne, take my guard knights with you! You all are to protect Rozemyne! I’ll stay behind to avoid holding you back!」

I assigned my guard knight apprentices to accompany Rozemyne, along with the senior knight apprentices, thus giving her as much manpower as possible. I also instructed the scholar and attendant apprentices incapable of combat to stay in the dormitory. Everyone surrounding Rozemyne and the library’s magical tools had the tension visible on their faces.

「Go, but don’t let your guard down.」

I watched as the knight apprentices, ready to call upon their Schtappes at any moment, departed the dormitory with Rozemyne .

「While Rozemyne-sama may be their master now, those tools belong to the Royal Academy library. Since we took them out for the measuring, we must not lose them, no matter the cost.」

「I know.」

I nodded at the words of my attendant scholar apprentice, Kielland. The current priority is to return the magical tools safely to the library. With a considerable number of knight apprentices on guard, those from another duchy would hesitate before trying to steal them.

However, I immediately received an Ordonnanz proving otherwise from my guard knight apprentice, Alexis.

「Alexis here. Dunkelfelger has blocked off the passageway with several duchies supporting them. It is no longer possible to avoid combat.」


I had intended to deter them with our numbers, but my approach was ineffective. A tense atmosphere enveloped those of us inside the dormitory.

「W-What should we do now?!」

「In a situation like this, who can we call for help…?」

Voices filled with anxiety rose from Rozemyne’s remaining attendants, causing the tension and confusion to spread further. I couldn’t help but raise my voice.

「Settle down! Remember that those from other duchies cannot enter this dormitory without authentication brooches!」

While Rozemyne’s attendants remained uneasy, the other students regained some composure. All of them would be safe as long as they remain in the dormitory.

「However, stealing the authentication brooches from Rozemyne-sama and the others will make it possible for intruders to enter.」

I had just managed to calm down the students, but the words of my chief attendant caused them to panic again. I couldn’t help but grimace.

「Oswald, why…」

「We cannot completely rule out the possibility of this danger. What do you think would be the best way counteract this, Wilfried-sama?」

「Hmm… We can place the junior knights in the entrance hall.」

I called on the two knight apprentices and had them stand guard at the door, which everyone stared at with stern eyes.

How much time has passed since then? I couldn’t tell if it felt long or short due to the tension. A white bird flew in and landed on Oswald’s arm.

「Alexis here. Prince Anastasius rushed to the scene and permitted us to safely return the library’s magical tools. Now he is beginning to question the responsible parties. I am sure it will take some time, but none of us sustained any significant injuries.」

After hearing Alexis’s report from the Ordonnanz, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, easing the atmosphere.

「No need to worry ourselves anymore. The magical tools from the library have been safely returned, and the royal family has intervened in the conflict. Whether Ehrenfest’s authority is relinquished or recognized, the details can be settled through discussion. There is no longer any danger.」

I ordered everyone who had been on guard in the entrance hall to stand down, as Rozemyne’s attendants moved to the multipurpose hall. The other students, exhaling in relief, ascended the stairs to return to their rooms.

After witnessing their departure, I attempted to return to my room, but Kielland stopped me.

「Wilfried-sama, perhaps it would be better for you to wait in the multipurpose hall as well? That way we can react if another Ordonnanz arrives. I’m curious about the magical circles on the library’s magical tools as well…」

……That second reason must be what he’s really after.

Rozemyne is the master of the library’s magical tools. Thus, she and her attendants will play a central role in creating their new attire. Hirschur-sensei and Hartmut have a copy of the magic circles used, and my scholar apprentice Kielland seemed extremely eager to view it.

「I suppose it can’t be helped. Let’s go to the multipurpose hall. Oswald, Isidore, it might be due to earlier tension, but my throat feels dry. Brew some tea for me.」

I took my attendants and moved to the multipurpose hall.

「I was surprised at Prince Anastasius’s intervention, but that outcome is definitely better than many people getting hurt. How do you guys think the discussions will go?」

As I voiced my question, my attendants answered one by one.

「It’s only natural to be questioned about a conflict taking place at the Royal Academy. Since Ehrenfest acted with Solange-sensei’s permission, fulfilling our responsibilities as the tools’ master, I doubt we will see any significant reprimands.」

「The biggest point of contention will likely be Dunkelfelger’s intentions in attempting to seize the library’s magical tools, and what they intend to do if allowed to become master.」

「Dunkelfelger is the second place duchy, so handing over the library magical tools should erase any need for discussion. After explaining the circumstances, I believe our friends should be back promptly.」

My head attendant Oswald, my attendant apprentice Isidore, and my scholar apprentice Ignaz all seem rather unworried. Relieved, I let out a sigh and leaned back against the backrest for a moment.

However, our expectations were overturned by an Ordonnanz from Rihyarda, which reached Brunhilde, Rozemyne’s attendant.

「Rihyarda here. We will be having a Treasure Stealing Ditter with Dunkelfelger in the knight building over the library’s magical tools. Our return to the dormitory will be very delayed.」

Before the Ordonnanz could even finish the second repeat, Hartmut had already said he was going to the knight building and rushed out. It happened so fast that Rozemyne’s other retainers couldn’t even respond. Meanwhile, I was still stunned even after listening to the third repeat.

「Treasure Stealing Ditter? How is that different from a regular Ditter?」

「Treasure Stealing Ditter involves the knights fighting each other, while the current interduchy competition is based on Speed Ditter. I believe Treasure Stealing Ditter was the norm before the civil war… But why bring back the Ditter from so many years ago?」

While Isidore answered my question, he had no clue as to the reason. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what kind of Ditter it is. What I want to know is how in the world they ended up fighting against Dunkelfelger.

「But why? Prince Anatasius intervened, so why does there need to be a battle between knights? Couldn’t the issue be resolved through negotiation?」

「Perhaps Rozemyne-sama refused to yield her position as master of the tools? I believe that is the only reason it could have escalated to Ditter.」

……Sounds plausible.

After hearing Ignaz’s speculation, I found myself wanting to bury my head in my hands. Rozemyne always had an unusually strong attachment to the library. She might refuse even if asked to relinquish her position by the royal family.

「I’m going to the knight building as well!」

I stood up, having grown impatient with constantly getting left in the dark.

「No! Wilfried-sama, I cannot permit you to leave the dormitory when your only guard knight is the first-year Gregor.」

I grimaced at my head attendant’s denial of permission. In the Royal Academy, where our parents cannot intervene, we were advised to listen carefully to our accompanying adult retainers. I glanced between the door, the chair I had been sitting in, and Oswald’s face in turn.

「Oswald, but…」

「Dunkelfelger must have proposed the option of Ditter, which Prince Anastasius accepted. In which case, this Ditter is merely a pretense to seize the library’s magical tools from Ehrenfest.」

According to Oswald, they intended to take the tools via Ditter since Rozemyne refused to yield them in the discussions.

「Does that mean Ehrenfest has a huge disadvantage in Ditter?」

Being a first-year student, I have never witnessed the interduchy competitions. I also didn’t want to believe that my duchy would lose so easily. Yet my more senior retainers, who watched the Ditter every year, nodded unanimously.

「We are at an overwhelming disadvantage. Dunkelfelger wins the interduchy competition constantly. While Ehrenfest has risen in rank somewhat in recent years, our strength is still incomparable.」

「Cornelius-sama will likely be in command, but I don’t think Ehrenfest stands a chance either way. The difference in numbers is already a huge disadvantage, since they are allowed to select their knights.」

They told me all about Dunkelfelger’s supremacy, and I let out a quiet sigh.

「…Just like me, Rozemyne knows nothing about Dunkelfelger. That’s why she accepted the challenge.」

「Well, no… I believe the people around her should have stopped her.」

Oswald claimed that Rihyarda and the participating knights would stop Rozemyne from accepting an unwinnable Ditter match. But I know otherwise. It’s just like how she refused to accept anything less than a first day lecture pass for all the first-years…

「Why must Rozemyne be so fixated on the library?! Just hand over the position and get it over with. Why challenge the authority of the royal family and a greater duchy!?」

I vented, unable to contain my frustration. Isidore responded with a wry smile, defending Rozemyne.

「Due to the Jureve incident, I believe Rozemyne-sama may be unfamiliar with interduchy affairs…」

「Dunkelfelger is a greater duchy skilled in warfare, having led the king to victory in the civil war. I have to worry about our knight apprentices suddenly getting stuck in a Ditter match with them.」

When Kielland expressed concern for the accompanying knights, Oswald said, “That’s not the worst of it…” with a sigh.

「It’s possible this incident will lead Dunkelfelger to believe that Ehrenfest has rebellious intent. That is far more worrisome.」

「What are you saying! Ehrenfest has no such intentions! We didn’t even know Dunkelfelger was involved until recently!」

「Even so, it will be difficult to get others to agree with our perspective. They are the greater duchy at rank two, while we are a middle duchy at rank thirteen.」

Oswald, with a bitter expression, said that the opinions of the greater duchy were more likely to prevail. As a member of the archducal family, I’ve never had my statements distorted or outright rejected at the convenience of others. While I’ve heard that duchy rankings were important at the Royal Academy, I never expected the treatment to be so blatantly different.

「If Rozemyne-sama is perceived to be in opposition to Dunkelfelger, we need an archduke candidate who can assert that it’s not the consensus of our duchy. Therefore, Wilfried-sama must remain uninvolved with this Ditter match.」

While I understood what Oswald was getting at, I found it difficult to accept. Viewpoints prevailing solely on duchy rankings just doesn’t make any sense. However, any effort I spend trying to convince my attendants does nothing to change the current situation. The words of a greater duchy will still beat out ours.

「Hartmut-sama headed over, so we should receive some kind of notification from him.」

「All we can do is wait.」

After hearing the words of Isidore and Ignaz, I sighed and sat back down.

My guard knights must be preoccupied with Ditter, so I can’t expect any news from them. That said, Hartmut will be able to inform us of the situation. Rozemyne and Rihyarda, who are not knight apprentices, should be watching the match too. I expect one of them to send us a message alleviating the dormitory’s mood.

However, things didn’t go as expected once again.

「That’s the fifth bell.」

「No communication whatsoever! Is it even possible that Hartmut didn’t reached the knight building yet?」

We’ve certainly given him more than enough travel time, yet there was no Ordonnaz from Hartmut even after the ringing of the fifth bell.

「Now that’s the fifth and a half bell! What are Rozemyne, Rihyarda, and Hartmut doing?! Does a single match of Treasure Stealing Ditter really consume this much time?」

「Ditter doesn’t take nearly this long during the interduchy competition. What could be taking so long…?」

Oswald corrected Kielland’s words, but tilted his head at the same time.

「No, Treasure Stealing Ditter really does take a great deal of time. That said, the spectators should be able to send at least one Ordonnanz… Yet we have gotten nothing. Archduke candidate Rozemyne-sama and her attendant Rihyarda couldn’t possibly be that busy with the Ditter match.」

There was no communication from Rozemyne and the others, even as the half bell rang. My anxiety and worry gradually turned into frustration.

「Now it’s the sixth bell! Classes are already over, so they should be back any time now.」

After all, the Royal Academy itself closes down. I stood up and walked from the multipurpose hall to the entrance hall. As I repeatedly paced up and down the stairs while staring down at the door with irritation, it finally opened.

「What is the meaning of this Ditter business?! Explain yourself, Rozemyne!」

Rozemyne had walked through the door with a carefree look as if she had no worries in the world. Surely you can understand why my demand for an explanation sounded a bit harsh.

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